Currently we sell 4 products for your Gender Reveal party / gender reveal photography. You can check them out at our “Gender Reveal” category on the website here.
Lets look at how some of our customers have used these products for their beautiful reveals…
First up is our “gender reveal confetti launchers“. These long launchers are well packed and fire a burst of either pink or blue paper confetti high into the air with compressed gas. Many people use a few of these to do their initial reveal with family and friends. The product is non-gender specific, meaning you don’t know what the confetti colour is until they are popped! (the bottom is label stickered which can be removed by us or by the couple)
Don’t forget to have someone filming this in slow-motion on their phone! It even makes an awesome boomerang animation!
** click an image to go bigger

Once the reveal has been done, often our customers also use our Coloured Smoke Emitters to do a “Coloured Smoke Gender Reveal”. This is a beautiful way of announcing to everyone else on social media their impending baby.
Here is some examples of our red coloured smoke (pink coloured smoke) used in photos. It looks so beautiful! Most of these frames were with the CS-60g red smoke, with the exception of the top right frame which was with the CS-18g red smoke. You can tell by the finer, “wispier” output.

And of course blue coloured smoke for the baby boys! These specific photos below were with the CS-60g blue smoke emitter.

You don’t have to use just pink of blue coloured smoke… here some of our customers used the CS-18g mixed 5 pack and CS-60g mixed 5 pack to create a rainbow effect!

And then some don’t even use any gender specific colours, just beautiful coloured smoke for their pregnancy photos…
It’s worth mentioning (as its been a question we’ve had a few times) that the smoke is non-toxic and safe for unborn babies.

Aside from these 4 products, we are looking at introducing more later this year, including a more hidden coloured smoke option which will help the reveal to even expecting parents who themselves, want a surprise!
Speak to us if you want us to de-sticker our confetti options or bundle up the coloured smoke in a package that can be sent to one of your friends / family.
We have even had parents turn up with an envelope containing the baby’s gender from their scan and they hand if over to us and we provide the relevant product. They don’t even know themselves. What an honour!